5th Cyprus Anti-fraud Conference
The Cyprus Chapter of the ACFE announces that the 5th Cyprus Anti-Fraud Conference will take place on Thursday, 9 June 2022 at Hilton Nicosia.

5th Cyprus Anti-fraud Conference
The Cyprus Chapter of the ACFE announces that the 5th Cyprus Anti-Fraud Conference will take place on Thursday, 9 June 2022 at Hilton Nicosia.
The fight against fraud is endless and the challenges are continuous. Technology has reshaped the face of crime and tackling company fraud, cultivating corporate culture and behavior, understanding deception, chasing assets, and protecting the victims is more essential than ever before.
The 5th Cyprus Anti-Fraud Conference will once again provide professionals with the necessary tools, insights, and knowledge to help them navigate through the complex structures of financial crime.
· Next Generation Fraud Examiner
· Healthcare fraud
· Post-pandemic Financial Statement Fraud
· The EU Whistleblowing Directive and its implications upon corporations
· Technology evolution and emerging fraud risks